Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Letter Pp

For our October "Cookin' caterpillars" we made Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies! YUM!!!

P is for PATTERNS! We had fun learning about patterns in math and using pattern blocks to make some neat pictures!

Painting Pumpkins with PUDDING!!!

Letter Aa

Making the first page of our number book! ONE apple...

Fun books in our "A" library! Lots of books about Ants, animals, apples, alligators, and other fun stories!

We LOVED learning about the letter A and singing fun songs!
Fun with show and tell! Apple, airplane, ambulance, and alligator! (The best part is that the apple came with a few bites out of it :) I think he got hungry on the way to school!)
Practicing our phonics with our "whisper phones" a....a.....a....apple

We had fun being creative by making apple prints with REAL apples! These will look so great in our ABC books!

Coloring cute apple puppets after reading some great apple literature!

We are becoming masters with these scissors!

Enjoying yummy apple snacks: applesauce, apple muffins, and apple juice!
Station One: Apple math-Do the apples sink or float? Which apple is heavier? How many seeds can you count?

Station Two: Making apple jack necklaces!

Station Three: Art-Apple core mobiles!

Station Four: Apple tasting table! Which color apple do you like best?

Ants, Ants, Ants!

Counting Ants....one, two, three....

Alligator...a-a-a-alligator! We had So much fun making alligators out of clothespins and learning and singing the alligator chant! We read some fun alligator stories too!

We read a story called "Chrysanthemum". It's about a girl who loves her name until she goes to school and the kids make fun of her! She learns how important and special her name is with the help of a teacher. We talked about how special our own names are and learned to write them. We also were able to decorate our names!